The value of MVRs isn’t limited to pre-hire screening or DOT regulations. By making this data easier to check and understand, Driver’s Alert gives you a powerful tool to identify high-risk drivers and intervene before accidents occur. Traditionally, reviewing MVRs was time-consuming, especially for those managing multi-state fleets who had to cope with violation descriptions and penalties that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. We’ve simplified MVR ordering by offering access from a single source. With an MVR report from Driver’s Alert, you now have one more method for determining who is and isn’t a safe driver.

Driver’s Alert makes it fast, easy and cost-effective to regularly run an MVR report so you can improve fleet safety, reduce legal exposure and lower insurance premiums.

With 24/7 web access to MVR information, optional email updates and the flexibility to pay only for what you need, it’s no surprise why this Driver’s Alert solution is so popular with fleet managers.

Keep up to date on any new violations, changes in license status or other MVR activity, giving you one more valuable tool to spot and address any risky behavior before it results in a costly accident or fine.

Simplify annual DOT MVR review responsibilities. Leverage our uniform scoring standard when holding fleet drivers accountable to ensure consistency and fairness.

Our web-based fleet safety management system makes it amazingly easy to integrate MVR information with data from our telematics and driver observation programs. This gives you a deeper understanding of trends for a single driver or across your fleet. And because it’s an end-to-end solution, you can move quickly from spotting a potential problem to assigning online training that addresses it.

Don’t forget! Safe drivers are productive drivers!
Schedule a free demo!
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: How to Use MVRs to Improve Fleet Safety
How much does it cost to order an MVR?
Each MVR report ordered costs $6 plus the state fee. Please keep in mind that the state fee for an MVR order varies by state and may change without notice. Each new corporate account requires a $200 onetime setup fee that includes account creation, importing of driver information, manager training and ongoing support.
What type of information can I expect to find in an MVR?
It is important to note that the specific information reported in an MVR may vary by state. However, you can generally expect to find information such as a points history, any driving violations and convictions, license status, and possibly personal information such as name, date of birth, and height and weight.
What do I need to provide to successfully order an MVR report?
First and foremost, you need to provide the correct driver’s license number for each driver queried. If an incorrect driver’s license number is used to order an MVR and the query produces an MVR report for a different person, an order fee will still be charged. Some states do not adhere to a driver validation process. If the driver’s license number is incorrect, but other information such as the date of birth and first and last name are correct, the MVR report produced may still be for the wrong person. It is extremely important to ensure each driver’s license number is accurate.
Can we receive a bill detailing each MVR ordered, including all charges?
Unfortunately, MVR billing is not customizable or exportable to programs like Excel. We are unable to produce an itemized bill for MVR orders. All MVR billing is summary billing and will simply state the total price and the number of MVRs ordered, not which drivers for whom the MVRs were ordered or any other details related to fees.
Are MVRs easy to read?
For the most part, yes. However, sometimes MVR codes are not easily interpretable or consistent across states. If you need help making sense of an MVR, just give us a call!
Can I use state-assigned MVR point values to compare drivers across states?
This is not recommended because not all states assign the same point values to driving violations. It is best to use Driver’s Alert’s standardized scoring system to fairly compare driving records from different states.
Does Driver's Alert alter MVR reports or state-assigned points?
No, Driver’s Alert does not alter any information provided in an MVR report. Instead, Driver’s Alert provides a system to normalize MVR scoring for states that assign different point values for the same violations.
“We were reluctant to use Driver’s Alert in the beginning because ThyssenKrupp Elevator had already established its own best-in-class call center, including the implementation of our own ‘How’s My Driving’ program. The process of receiving calls and notifying our branches worked well, but to enhance the success of the program we realized we needed to add or refine other elements related to tracking, reporting and driver’s safety training.” – TOM ARMSTRONG ,Director of Fleet Management, ThyssenKrupp