ADA in the Workplace

ADA in the Workplace

ADA IN THE WORKPLACEHR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. This course defines how the ADA applies to the workplace, what is required by covered employers, and what a...
Introduction to HIPAA

Introduction to HIPAA

INTRODUCTION TO HIPAAHR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted to protect the confidentiality and security of our personal medical information. If you have ever received any type of medical...
Anger Management

Anger Management

ANGER MANAGEMENTHR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   Everyone feels anger, but how we handle it can be responsible and professional – or disruptive and lead to conflict. This course teaches the anger management skills needed to change habitual...
Social Sensitivity

Social Sensitivity

SOCIAL SENSITIVITYHR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   In the workplace, social sensitivity is an important skill. This course discusses how to demonstrate you are aware and respectful of other people, how to consider the perspective of others, and...


DIVERSITYHR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   Organizations recognize that productivity can be enhanced when you have a diverse workplace. It allows an opportunity for new perspectives and ideas to flourish. But simply hiring people with different...
Drug-Free Workplace Part 2

Drug-Free Workplace Part 2

DRUG-FREE-WORKPLACE PART 2D.O.T. COMPLIANCE Course Description   Substance abuse takes a toll on an abuser and the workplace, affecting coworkers, supervisors, and the company as whole. In the final part of this three-part course, you will learn how to avoid...
Drug-Free Workplace Part 3

Drug-Free Workplace Part 3

DRUG-FREE-WORKPLACE PART 3D.O.T. COMPLIANCE Course Description   Substance abuse takes a toll on an abuser and the workplace, affecting coworkers, supervisors, and the company as whole. In the final part of this three-part course, you will learn how to avoid...
Drug-Free Workplace Part 1

Drug-Free Workplace Part 1

DRUG-FREE-WORKPLACE PART 1D.O.T. COMPLIANCE Course Description   Substance abuse takes a toll on an abuser and the workplace, affecting coworkers, supervisors, and the company as a whole. Part One of this three-part course explains direct and indirect costs of...
Tobacco and Smoking

Tobacco and Smoking

TOBACCO AND SMOKING HR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   Tobacco use can lead to many health issues and is the single most preventable cause of death in the U.S. In this course, we will describe the health effects of both smoking and smokeless tobacco....
Sexual Harassment Part 4

Sexual Harassment Part 4

SEXUAL HARASSMENT 4 HR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   We all understand that sexual harassment is wrong and that it can carry serious consequences. However, situations may not always be black-and-white. In this course, we will look at several...
Sexual Harassment Part 3

Sexual Harassment Part 3

SEXUAL HARASSMENT 3 HR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   Understanding that sexual harassment is illegal and recognizing what harassment looks like is a good first step. In this course, we will go one step further and examine a certain type of abuse...
Sexual Harassment Part 2

Sexual Harassment Part 2

SEXUAL HARASSMENT 2 HR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   There is a lot to learn when it comes to the laws and legal ramifications of sexual harassment. In this course, we offer a more in-depth look at sexual harassment, abusive conduct, bullying, and...
Sexual Harassment Part 1

Sexual Harassment Part 1

SEXUAL HARASSMENT 1 HR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   Everyone wants to work in a safe, productive, and supportive environment. Sexual harassment and other types of abuse, however, create an unsafe and unproductive environment. In this course, you...
Goal Setting

Goal Setting

GOAL SETTINGHR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   Managers are responsible for motivating employees to reach and accomplish goals that support the organizational plan. This course focuses on how to recognize and use the strengths of individuals in your...
Effective Communication

Effective Communication

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONHR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   Effective communication is simply the ability to be clearly understood. Without this skill, you risk misunderstandings, confusion, conflict, and poor employee performance. This course offers...
Delivering Feedback

Delivering Feedback

DELIVERING FEEDBACK HR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   Feedback – both positive and constructive – is crucial to career development, employee satisfaction, employee retention and employee motivation.  However, many managers and supervisors hesitate to...


DELEGATIONHR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   Identifying tasks that can be delegated and assigning them to employees ready to take on new responsibilities are key management skills. In this course, you will discover the value of delegation to you,...
Creating a Training Plan

Creating a Training Plan

CREATING A TRAINING PLANHR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   Organizations realize when they invest in their employees’ ongoing professional development, they reap the benefits of increased employee retention, greater efficiencies, lower costs,...
Coaching Skills

Coaching Skills

COACHING SKILLSHR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   Organizations are successful when their employees are engaged and motivated. As a manager or supervisor, it’s not enough to oversee the daily activities of your team – it’s also your...
Change Agility

Change Agility

CHANGE AGILITYHR/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Course Description   In today’s globalized and interconnected environment, change is a given. To stay ahead of competition and quickly adapt to changing markets, organizations need to possess change agility. This...